Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Boorish Tourists

In many areas tourism is touted constantly as a real boon. A real boon to whom I might ask? Perhaps for the small percentage of people who capitalize on the out-of-towners that swarm to that area, it is a boon. To the rest of us, these tourists are nothing more than pests who are infesting our living space, and who we locals look forward to be rid of. This may be especially true of areas where tourism is very much a seasonal thing. Understandably, if you move next door to Disneyland, you may never get a rest as that type of place is a year round "destination" for millions.

Personally, I am just tired of the moronic tourists who for some reason come here and can't seem to understand that driving 20 miles below the speed limit on the interstate during morning rush hour reading a map, or holding up the toll booth line for 10 minutes to ask the toll booth driver for directions is rude. This is why the locals hate you guys and throw a large block party when you idiots leave for the season to go bother some other area.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Open Letter to Mattel

To the corporate decision-makers,

When I was a kid, I remember getting my first Barbie Doll with her non-existant waist and 36 double-D breasts. Being a child, I did not back then equate this doll with being responsible for the poor self image many young girls would later develop as their own figures did not magically transform into the one that Barbie had upon reaching age 17. No, I am not writing about that transgression, but unfortunately one that is far worse.

For years, you, and many other greedy companies just like you, have been switching with ever increasing speed to the ever popular "Made in China" label for most, of not all, of your manufacturing. This sickens me on many levels. First off, your company has built its fortune on the back of America and all of the freedom it provides you. So WHY in hell are you supporting China. China is a communist country. In case you don't understand what Communism is, they don't have any freedom there. No freedom of speech, no freedom of anything. They participate in infanticide, genocide, and all of the other positively lovely other things that are basic tenants of communism.

Moreover, China is an enemy of this country. The Chi-Coms spy on us, pirate our technology, and refuse to adhere to international trade laws. Right now, they are building up their capital and their manufacturing infrastucture thanks in large part to A-hole, bottom-feeder, traitorous companies like you. At the same time China is also developing advanced weaponry and building its military and menacing Tawain. And they now have full control of the Panama Canal, thanks to good 'ol Billy Clitorus (I mean Clinton). This doesn't exactly spell good things to come. Tawain first, next the world?

Next, Chinese workmanship downright SUCKS! Yes, even worse than the workmanship of illiterate Mexican roofers. Now, I will grant you that this is most likely because, in China, this work is being done by 10 year old kids who are locked in a warehouse for 16 hours a day. But still... come on! People pay $30 for your stinking Barbie. Is it too much to ask that the head is still attached after I get through cutting it out of the box (Are you guys trying to copy Muslims now or something?). Is it too much to ask that the eyes are roughly the same size and shape or both of them have eyelashes? Unless I was looking at the new "Crack-head Barbie", this is just poor quality. Now, on top of everything else, we find out that millions of toys were painted using lead paint. Good job!

In closing, I am not saying that you are the only company that cares soley about your bottom line. What I am saying is that I will never buy another product from you, ever. May all of you contract Ebola and die a horrible death. But before that, I hope that your company is sued for all it is worth, and all of you greedy bastards end up destitute roaming the streets and rummaging through dumpsters for your next meal.

Take care!

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Burning Bridges

Just a little food for thought... We are incessantly told how we need these illegal foreign workers to come here and "do the jobs Americans won't do". We are told that we need this unskilled labor pool.

And so these unskilled foreigners team into our midst carrying false ID and very often highly contagious diseases like Tuberculosis that were stamped out in this country years ago. We don't even know who these people are since they have fake ID --if they are "documented" at all. How do we know what the skills of these people include?

Many of these cut-rate illegals end up working in critical industries like, oh I don't know, construction? Funny that AMERICAN citizens and people who are allowed to work here LEGALLY often are required to have special licenses or trainign to work in construction, but yet the "unskilled" criminal invader, waiting outside on the street to be hired by some cheapskate dirtbag contractor, needs no such credentials. Hell, they don't even need to speak English or know how to read.

When when you hear things about things like the bridge in Minnesota collapsing, you really have to wonder if some contractor trying to save a few bucks by hiring incompetant, unskilled, illegal workers helped to cause this tragedy. I would not be surprised if many other bridges, high rises, etc. within our infrastructure suffered this fate due to poor quality of workmanship which is primarily the result of the large influx of uncertified illegal laborers into the construction industry.

While we're talking about this, we may as well talk about another point that I mentioned above: Illegal invaders swarming here carrying infectious diseases. Where else besides construction do they work? You know places like hotels, restaurants, agriculture. The concept of having foreigners who could be carrying any number of possible diseases working in industries where they are directly handling our food supply or exposing themselves to large cross-sections of the population is particularly unnerving.

When I read about things like the spinach and lettuce Ecoli scare a couple years ago, i also can't help remembering WHO it is exactly that is probably out in the fields picking the lettuce and spinach. Most of the people who come from a culture where it is perfectly acceptable and even normal to take a piss off the front porch in broad daylight in full view of anyone who cares to see. I'm sure a bunch of these people working out in the field picking lettuce are not going to take the time or inconvenience to find a bathroom if they have to take a dump either.

Not only is this type of behavior unsanitary and disgusting, but it poses a very real health hazard. We need to start talking about this and stop being politically correct. There is an elephant in the room and it's time we started talking about it.