Thursday, 28 June 2007

A Small Victory in a Greater War

Ding dong the witch is dead! Yes, that's right... the horrible Amnesty for Illegal Invaders/Colonizers bill is dead! On Tuesday, the vote for cloture to end further discussion and bring the bill to the floor for a final vote was 64 for and 45 against. The vote today was 53 nay 46 yea.

That is quite a remarkable reversal within the past few days. 18 senators switched their votes thanks to the millions of Americans that decided to make their voices heard and reclaim their country. The liberally biased media admits that 80% of Americans are adamently opposed to ammesty (which means the number is probably closer to 85-90%. So many Americans called to protest this bill that the telephone system at the Capitol in Washington collapsed under the volume of calls and had to be shut down. This is an amazing victory, but it is not over. This 'amesty for illegals" will rise again and we must be ready. For more on what you can do to help, visit: It is very simple from this website to send free emails and faxes directly to the senators and congressmen in your zipcode. We are fighting for the continued existance of our great country. Isn't it worth a few minutes to let your voice be heard?

I think almost everyone is familiar with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Remember in the final movie the scene where Frodo and Sam had just made it to Mount Doom and the last of the remaining companions sat in the fortress at Minas Tirith -noting that the dark forces where on the rise and that Frodo and Sam had not a chance to destroy the ring unless the blazing Eye of Sauron and his forces could be "distracted" long enough to give them a chance. Gimli , the dwarf immediately declares: "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?", and so off they went. It seemed pretty hopeless and impossible that such great forces of evil could be overcome by the small handful of good that remained.... But they did it. Remember Lady Galadriel's remark to Frodo when they had first met: "Even the smallest person can make a difference." And that has been proven true again today with the defeat of the immigration legislation.

This trilogy could almost be an allegorical tale reflecting the illegal immigration/invasion situation here in the United States. Border Security and immigration laws in the United States have never been strongly enforced. Prior to the formation of entitlement programs, most of which were initiated by FDR, it did not seem like a big deal to most Americans. People from other countries, mainly Mexico, snuck in and did some jobs and most of them went home. As the number of entitlement programs such as welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid began to grow in number and in budget, often illegals found that because of the lack of background checks and legal status that they could get a much better deal and higher quality of life by staying in this country instead of leaving once their work was done.

Of course since most of these people were coming in from Mexico and since that border is largely porous, Mexicans began to inform their family and friends that life in the US was better and that they should come on in too. Of course many did and not just from Mexico. By the mid 1980's the problem had reached a level where there was enough public outcry that the politicians decided to "fix" this problem. How did they fix it? By giving all the people that had broken in illegal total and complete amnesty and granting them citizenship (of course!!).

Now considering that the border still remained WIDE OPEN after this amnesty was passed in 1986, what do you guess happened? Well the next wave of foreign invaders decided to make their way here too and wait for the next "amnesty" when they too could be rewarded with citizenship for breaking into the United States.

Now anyone with half a brain would realize that this sort of blanket amnesty would have this effect (which is possibly why the people in congress and even Ronald Regan didn't get it). I honestly don't believe that our chosen "representatives"... or should I say "rulers"(?) are that stupid. I personally believe that the amnesty efforts back then, as they are now, a deliberate effort to bring more unskilled and uneducated people from the third-world in this country and make them legal voters. A logical person might ask, "Why would anyone do something so evil?".

The answer is as simple as it is diabolical. Many people go to Washington because they crave money and power. Sure I will admit that a few do go there trying to do good, but even they, over time, become corrupted by the cesspool of those around them.

Career politicians like Teddy "Chappaquiddik" Kennedy did not get to be where they are by being nice or by telling the truth. People get to Washington by having the power, money, and connections to get elected and re-elected. This means telling every group what they want to hear while all the while doing what serves your own visions and bank account/campaign coffers the best. This is the true nature of politics. this is why chances that your Uncle Mel won't become president, but families like the Bushs, Clintons, Kennedys, etc. hold high ranking offices for generations.

What eventually happens is that the American people realize they are being sold out and start to become angry and complain about the high taxes and inefficiency of big government. Implanting 12-20 million new "voters" is a great idea for politicians because think about it. Most of these people come from third-world countries that are ruled by the sort of tyrants would might decide to run you through a wood-chipper for looking at them funny. And as for services in a lot of these places, forget it. In many third-world countries, the dictators keep all the money "donated to them for aid to their starving people", or in the case of food, they let it rot and don't bother to actually distribute it. Our politicians, such that they are, actually seem like holy saints to most of these people fromt the third world. The politicians vote to give them free food, healthcare, housing, in-state college tuition rates, and now citizenship!

So basically the politicians' end goal is to cancel out your vote with the votes of 12-20 million new voters who are going to have an innate loyalty to those who gave them the ultimate gift of citizenship and who have a very low expectation concerning the rights outlined in the American constitution -especially the right to free speech and the right to bear arms. These people didn't have such rights in their own country so they aren't going to raise much of a fuss as these things are slowly taken away from them here. Hey, they are just happy they are given food, third-rate socialized healthcare, and the right to watch Oprah.

The dirty secret is that the more people dependent on government for their basic survival needs, the bigger government gets, the more inefficient it gets, the more money it sucks out of hard working people's pockets. Politicians for the most part LOVE expanding government. It gives them a reason to steal more of your money and decide how to spend that money. Don't think for a single minute that there are not kickbacks that go to high-ranking politicians in exchange for contracts needed to expand or create entitlement programs. Everytime goverment expands, these career politicians become more powerful. They appoint their friends and family (or friend's and family of major campaign contributors) to hold high paying jobs with titles like "Deputy Director", "Commission", "Executive Chairman", etc within these newly created programs. Of course since most of these people are not qualified to work at the McDonald's drive-thru let alone run a new agency, high priced consultants are brought in to actually do the work... Of course the consulting firms that get these contracts are also campaign contributors. We are paying for all of it. The 12-20 million aren't paying much in taxes (if they are paying taxes at all), so this doesn't bother them in the least. Personally I am tired of having my paychecks involunetarily and illegally robbed by the government.

So, you see the goals of those in power of our government. We must be more vigilant now than ever before. Certain legislators suchs as Teddy "Chappaquiddik" Kennedy have a habit of sneaking a few lines of completely unrelated new laws/ammendments into very long boring bills that almost noone reads. I mean honestly.. would YOU read a 1200 long page bill on agriculture surplus? That's like reading 2 Harry Potter books back to back. Remember that congress votes on several bills in one day usually and sometimes bills (such as this latest amnesty bill) are made in secret behind closed doors by small special committees. I don't think half of them could tell you at any given time what they are actually voting on and what is hidden in those bills. No wonder we are in the mess we are today.

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