Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Summer Dreaming

Some days seem to pass more slowly than others, especially in the warm summer months where the sun is shining and making you long to be outdoors instead of sitting in a stuffy cubicle for hours on end. Today is one of those days. Fortunately, my boss is out today which always makes things more pleasant.

Having only been with this particular agency for a few months, I still have much to learn. Unfortunately, someone here made the ill-fated decision to purchase and install Lotus Notes (known not-so-affectionately by users and developers as "Loath us Bloats"). I could spend a great deal fo time ranting about the inadequacy of this particular product, but it's been done before and rather well I might add. Check out http://lotusnotessucks.4t.com/lnEx07.html for a good laugh and a good idea of what we experience every day using this abomination.

Frankly, having been a computer application developer for about 10 years now (and successfully managed to avoid this product until now), I am convinced that a bunch of super geeks, who hadn't had the fortune to see an open pair of legs since their momma gave birth to them, invented this product. Why? We may never really know. Perhaps it was a joke and intended to be funny, but somehow most of us mortals are not l33t enough to understand the humor of super geeks. Or maybe it was revenge for the lack of parental love, inability to get a date, or a big 'ol Fuck you aimed at George Lucas for contaminating the Star Wars Prequels with that Jarjar Binks creature. We may never understand.

Anyway, today I am, watching the clock and waiting while half heartedly perusing the Internet for information on Loath us Bloats. The funny thing is if you type in "lotus notes sucks" into google search, you get back pages on pages of people who absolutely hate this product. It truly is terrible and I won't bore any of you with the technical details of WHY. Type that into google search if you care. The ultimate irony is that we are now stuck with this product because some brainiac non-technical person bought into what the IBM salesman told him and probably didn't even understand half of what was being said. No manager will ever admit that a product is bad or the wrong thing after they have signed off on purchase orders and spent tens of thousands of dollars on something. Nope. We're stuck with this until the people who gave the big OK to purchase it, retire or are promoted to another agency where they can continue to spread their incompentance. Yay!

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