Thursday, 12 July 2007

"Hi, I'd like a number 2 with a sideorder of stupidity, please"

Today at lunch I pulled up to the BurgerKing Drive-Thru. There were about three cars ahead of me and I sat there for about five minutes because some rude asshole was holding up the line as he sat in place yapping to some guy he knew who was talking to him outside his car... Hey pal... I got news for you. You're a moron and some of us aren't on welfare like you probably are where we can roll out of bed at noon everyday and wait three hours in the drive-thru for you to finish your drug deal/conversation/Friday night date plans.

I mean seriously... What the fuck? I mean three people are sitting behind you who are ready to order and probably in a hurry and you are sitting there for literally 5 minutes yapping and completely oblivious to the fact that other people exist. I continued to glare at this retard until he eventually at his leisure concluded his conversation and pulled forward. I am fairly sure that if the obnoxious driver and his conversational partner had not both been two very large black dudes that looked like they could have been packing heat, everyone would have been honking their horn furiously at their blantant rudeness. Finally, Mr. Coolio decides to pull forward to the ordering window... Surprise surprise... he doesn't even have his order ready and we have to wait yet again while he makes an attempt to read the menu. I really hate people like this. Absolutely no respect for anyone else but themselves.

Another fine example is the people that take a leisurely stroll across the road taking their sweet time. They probably think because their fat asses weigh about 1/2 as much as a small car that most people will avoid hitting them. It is really aggravating though when there is a half mile backup of cars waiting to get through the intersection, the light only turns green for about 30 seconds, and fatass momma uses all but 5 of them to waddle across the road. Nevermind that there is actually a crosswalk and a little button she could have pressed and waited to safely cross without holding the cars up and causing more gridlock. She probably couldn't figure out how it worked, couldn't read, or maybe she just didn't speak English.

Does anyone remember the garbage barge? Sometimes i wish we could put all the people like the ones I described above on a small vessel and launch it out to sea or outerspace or something.

Thank god it's almost Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, i don't know where you live, missy-but down here in south florida this crap happens every minute of every day. i'm ready to shoot the next jackoff in the ass! lol! really, what's wrong with these folks?!