Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Just when you thought it was safe....It's Bah-ack

Well folks for those of you that thought the fact that 80% of the american people are against the new backdoor amnesty for illegal alien bill that was being created behind closed doors in the illustrious senate would be enough to kill it... Think again. Last week some senate offices were literally unable to do business due to the floods of angry American citizens calling in to sound off on this issue... So they shelved the bill. The news media reported the bill as "dead" due to lack of support.

After about a week of distracting us with other issues, this horrible bill has come back to life as:
SENATE AMNESTY LEGISLATION, S.1639 (formerly S.1348) . Yep that's right. The US Senate is apparently not only full of drama like your favorite afternoon shows, but apparently in the great tradition of soap operas everywhere, the evil villian will return to life once more to try to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting.

This bill is bad for several reasons. Not the least of which is the fact that people who basically broke into our country will be rewarded with citizenship for a fine that will end up costing less than a DWI. The politicians keep saying that we need this bill to secure the border and to improve enforcement, but that is not the case.

There are many laws regarding immigration which are already on the books and that have been on the books for years. And last year we passed a law to build a 750 mil stretch of fence along the Mexican Border. Guess how much as been built so far... Yep, that's right, in keeping with its grand tradition of uselessness and ineptitude, the government has built about 70 miles of this 750 mile fence - even though it has been fully funded already. We also have laws that allow for government to identify, detain, and deport illegals as well. The main problem is that government absolutely refuses to enforce most of these laws.

The main problem with this bill in particular, should it pass, is that all of the parts of the bill that allow for improved border security and enforcement will not be acted upon... while the portion of the bill that allows for the illegals to become citizens (aka voters) will be executed the day after the legislation passes. I hope this does not happen for the sake of our country.

Allowing 12-20 million people instant citizenship, merely because they were able to sneak across our wide-open border illegally, does not bode well for our future. Once we "legalize" 12-20 million people as a reward for breaking our immigration laws, that is only going to encourage more people to do the same especially given the fact that border continues to be wide-open and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

There are some downright lies and misconceptions going on here. On of which is that we need illegals to fill some sort of labor shortage. The truth is that we don't need illegals to fill jobs that "Americans won't do". The main reason "Americans won't do" most of these jobs is because the greedy employers are paying an undercut wage to illegal workers. And don't feel sorry for the employers when it is known that many illegals are employed by farms. Most farms today are no longer run by Uncle Bob and Aunt Bertha - They are run by large corporations. that are trying to optimize their profits and bad the bottom line by using the cheapest labor available even if that labor is illegal aliens.

So that is the real truth behind the jobs "Americans won't do" lie. Of course no American is going to work for an unlivable wage -that is almost guarenteed to be below the legal minimum wage. That brings up another interesting point too... If illegals are being paid a wage that is below minimum wage, how can they afford to live here and send money home too? Aside from the fact that the wages are mostly in cash and under the table (tax free anyone?), the dirty little secret is that illegals are supplementing their low wages by helping themselves to taxpayer funded social service benefits like welfare, food stamps, medicaid, etc. When they get a case of the sniffles, they head over to the emergency room at the local county hospital which is forced to treat them for free, no questions asked. Guess who funds these hospitals... yes,the taxpayers... and guess what else... these hospitals are going bankrupt from being forced to treat uninsured illegals for free.

I am not anti-immigrant. I am anti-illegal-alien-invader/colonizer. Sure most illegals are sneaking in for a "better life", but let's face it: there are lots of people all over the world that want to come here. Most people would come here if there were given a chance to, but this country can only take in a finite number of people before our own quality of life starts to suffer from over crowding. Since we do need to limit and regulate the number coming in, I'd like to give the first chance to people who have applied to come here legally and who would have something to offer this country as a mutual benefit instead of just allowing 12-20 million people first dibs because they decided to sneak in.

One more thing. I am fairly sick of hearing how "immigrants built this country" and how "We are all immigrants except the American Indian". Back when original immigrants came here, there was barely anything to come to at all. Everything this country has now had to be worked for and built. There were no hand-outs and freebies to draw people here like there are today. The immigrants of yesterday came over on risky passages on boats across the ocean that took a month or more to get here. They came here with no promises for welfare, guaranteed health care, food, etc. They didn't just sneak over the border and apply for social service benefits. Don't even try to tell me that illegals aren't able to get these benefits because I used to work for a soscial service branch of the government at one point in my career and i have seen that they do. they are flagged as being "Illegal" or "Non-Citizens" in the databases but they still apply for and obtain benefits. I feel strongly that many of the people coming in today illegally are coming here to mooch off our benefits system as much as they are to find "work and opportunity".

That's not to say that many US citizens aren't mooching too and I don't like that either, but at least they are here legally. And trust me, I wish it was possible to kick out citizens who are doing nothing except sitting around on the public dole. The money for all these programs for moochers has to come from somewhere and unfortunately that somewhere is out of the pocket of working stiffs like you and me. When you have about $900+ a month stolen from your paycheck before you ever see it, I think it is a reason to be disgusted and angry at people milking the system. $900 is almost twice what I pay for rent every month. $900 a month is a brand new small car every year (with trade in). $900 a month is a mortgage payment on a nice house. You see where I am going with this? Anyway...

This problem seems overwhelming, but it is all common sense. I have outlined the steps below that shoudl easily fix this "complicated" issue.

1) Secure the border - Yes, this means build the damn fence already, hire more border agents, and put the national guard on the border. I would personally like to see a fence like the one used in Jurassic Park. This would not only act as a very effective deterrent to those attempting to cross illegally, but would actually save many lives by discouraging people from making a long dangerous trip through the desert only to be met with such an insurmountable obstacle.

2) Take away taxpayer funded social services for people who are here illegally. This makes a lot of sense (which is probably why government hasn't thought of it). I mean really... If someone shouldn't be here at all, shouldn't that be a clue that they are not eligible to receive welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc? When people apply for these things, there should be better checks to ensure citizenship and if the person is not a citizen then they should be detained and deported at the first opportunity.

3) Take away the jobs that draw people to come here illegally. We need to start hitting employers where it hurts when they attempt to circumvent employment laws by hiring cheap illegal labor. This means very large fines and possibly jail time for the person in charge of checking legal status of employees. I think that the possibility of sharing a 12x12 cell and a cot with a guy named Bubba might encourage employers to screen employees more carefully.

4) Take away "birth-right" citizenship. Honestly... We all know that the 14th ammendment (which contains the clause that was interpreted in this heinous way) was never intended to grant citizenship to the children of people who are illegally on our soil. We need to change this so that one biological parent of the child need to be a citizen in order for the child to get automatic citizenship. This would also be something of a humanitarian thing. I really don't want to think about some woman waddling across the desert in 120 degree heat for 3 days so that she can pop out an anchor baby. We need to take away this incentive for people to do this type of thing.

I think that once items 1-4 are put into effect that the lure of sucking off the tit of American taxpayers along with no prospect of finding work or popping out instant citizen babies will discourage most people from trying to sneak in. Furthermore, many, if not most, of the illegals will leave on their own and go home where they belong. Maybe this will even encourage them to try to reform and improve their own countries instead of trying to sneak into this country for an easier ride.

If you have anything to say on this issue, please sound off to your elected representatives and do it soon before it is too late. You can read more about this bill, along with impact studies at: http://www.fairus.org/. This site also will gives you links to the emails and websites of your own officials if you type in your zipcode.


Anonymous said...

I know this blogger IRL, so I hope that this comment sees the light of day. That said...

I say this with tongue-in-cheek, but I had an idea. I would venture a guess that if Canada were sitting right on top of Mexico, Voila! they would need to endure all of this illegal immagration grief that we have had to. I hear that they have a pretty social-conscious health care system (if you ever get to see a doctor), and they have plenty of wide open arctic wilderness to house the would-be newcomers. So, as i see things- there is a simple solution.

Build a road to Canada. Take all of that unused fence money and build a 1 lane highway, and create a busline, to Ottowa or something. I bet even the exchange rate would be more favorable over the mighty dollar, making the trek to Quebec even more enticing.

Problem Solved.

Government Peon said...

Funny... Everyone that envies "socialized medicine" should have a look at how well it works in Canada and Europe. That is to say that it doesn't work. People are denied life saving drugs if they are costly and have not yet been proven. So good luck with that if you get cancer or some other type of illness that there is no proven cure for. Also, how would you like to have to wait 3 months to see a doctor? Yep, socialized medicine is great, isn't it?

I UNDERSTAND why people would sneak in here -Just like I'd understand a hungry person with no money stealing a loaf of bread. But the fact is that is is still wrong and we have every right to stop it. It is the job of the MEXICAN government to provide jobs and healthcare for its citizens. If they aren't getting that from the Mexican government then they need to stay in Mexico and protest their own leaders until reform is made. I feel badly for them, but not badly enough to support 12-20 million of them. Sorry.

Oh and as for sending them to Canada, I am sure if the Canadians had Mexicans flooding into their country illegally like a plague of ravenous locusts, they would be building a fence that would put the one from Jurassic Park to shame.